Create better conversations this fall

As some of us prepare to head back to the office, we may find there’s a need to sharpen some of our interpersonal skills.

For some of us, seeing coworkers in person again rather than via a video app will be a reality soon — if it isn’t one already. That’s because, as the number of people who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 steadily increases, offices are reopening.

But they won’t be the same as before. Indeed, along with the excitement mixed with trepidation of returning to one’s office space, there could be a wake-up call: after so long away from a communal work setting, some of us might discover how out of practice we are in relating to others face to face, even in a once-familiar setting.

If you’re worried that might happen to you and you want to sharpen your social skills before you arrive back at your desk — or you think others on your team might benefit from practical upskilling — here are a few courses we offer:

  • Empathy in the Workplace – Studies show that empathy has a huge impact on workplace well-being, creating a culture of shared purpose, more effective teamwork, happier employees and better recovery from setbacks. This course helps managers and other professionals foster more positive relationships with employees and coworkers through proven empathy-building techniques and exercises.
  • Resolving Conflict – Workplace conflict is inevitable, but the ability to deal with it empathetically and effectively is what distinguishes resilient and high-performing organizations from ordinary or even dysfunctional ones. This course teaches participants how to work through conflicts in ways that lead to more collaborative, respectful and productive teams.
  • Navigating Difficult Conversations – Difficult conversations can be rich and productive learning opportunities, helping to resolve conflicts quickly, improve team relationships and build a culture of accountability. This course teaches managers and other professionals how to turn potential confrontations into fruitful conversations for a happier, healthier, more engaged and productive workplace.

Looking for something else? We offer custom training and group delivery of workshops to meet your organization’s specific needs.

To get started or for more information, you can reach us at or 613-727-7729.