About This Course
Who Should Attend
What You’ll Learn

About This Course

In the modern workplace, individuals need to understand how to meet the needs of multi-generational employees in order to lead with confidence. This workshop will help do just that.

At no other time in history have we experienced the possibility of five generations intertwining in the workplace. The challenge of traversing this new landscape without incident is palpable. In this workshop, we will explore what these different generations bring to the table. At the same time, we will discover amazing techniques to bring the best out of all generations while at work. Participants may even see techniques that will work in their home life as well!


Who Should Attend

Leaders and employees within organizations who are challenged by navigating the diversity of multiple generations in the workforce.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to understand and speak to the overall differences across the generations
  • How to recognize the subjectivity of the gaps
  • How to create a strategy to meet the needs of all employees
  • How data analytics can provide guidance toward an ongoing strategic solution

Course Materials and Fees

Additional Notes


For more information about individual or group registration or to be notified of upcoming dates, please contact us.

Call: 1-833-282-6852

Email: training@algonquincollege.com

$ 650
1 Day
There are currently no sessions available

If you are registering 8 or more participants in one class, please contact us for group registration.

Courses are posted up to 12 months in advance.

Government of Canada Employees

Take advantage of our Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements with the Government of Canada to receive a discount when you register for training.