About This Course

About This Course

Learn how to effectively manage conflict and improve communication in the workplace.

Workplace conflict is unavoidable, and the ability to deal with it empathetically and effectively is what distinguishes a true leader from an ordinary manager. This course teaches participants how to harness the power of workplace diversity for more collaborative, respectful and productive teams.

Learn proven tips and strategies for turning tension into productive collaboration, including:

  • Distinguishing real from avoidable conflict
  • Different approaches to conflict resolution
  • Communication and de-escalation strategies such as self-awareness and empathetic listening


Who Should Attend

What You’ll Learn

Course Materials and Fees

Additional Notes


For more information about individual or group registration or to be notified of upcoming dates, please contact us.

Call: 1-833-282-6852

Email: training@algonquincollege.com

$ 650
1 Day
Select a Session
Feb 13

If you are registering 8 or more participants in one class, please contact us for group registration.

Courses are posted up to 12 months in advance.

Government of Canada Employees

Take advantage of our Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements with the Government of Canada to receive a discount when you register for training.